since my boss changed the schedule AGAIN, i now have tomorrow and the next day off (that'd be saturday and sunday). so i'd like to take a trip to Portland for the day tomorrow to randomly distribute resumes, and since my parents are crazy and won't let me drive to Portland alone since i've never done it before (and honestly it'd probly be sucky-boring by myself) i need at least one person to tag if you want to go to Portland or you have a day off too or you just haven't seen me in forever, you are welcome to come, please message me to let me know if you're interested. seriously people, i HAVE to get the resumes out because my job sucks more than you will ever know and my parents won't let me out of the driveway unless they know someone will be coming with me.
ye olde annablog
the ooey gooey insides of me brains!!
Friday, August 01, 2003
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
i have my car now, its so very very cute. its nice to be able to reach the pedals comfortably without having to sit 2 inches away from the steering wheel, hoorj for cars designed with short legs in mind or whatever....went and got it registered and whatnot, sometime in the next week i'll head to the DMV and get real plates and get my real license made up.
its a little after 3 in the morning and i ought to be doing something exercise-related instead of this, as i seem to have developed a small gut mysteriously over the last couple days, despite going the last few weeks with a flat stomach and minimal exercise and maximum junk food....fuck me for screwing up my metabolism....oh wait, nevermind, its not my fault this time, that time of the month has recently passed and (nifty fun fact) that speeds up the metabolism so that explains it. so its back to fruits and veggies if i want to keep my girlish figure....blah. being a girl sucks ass sometimes. >:
so i'm going over to the insurance office tomorrow morning-ish and then around 1 we're going to get MY CAR!!! (tired of making html shit, look in previous entries or check out my AIM profile to see it...if its even still on the site, which it may not be since its been sold to MEMEME!) yayness. i <3 my car.
i penciled the first page of my new comic earlier, and i really love it, its much more marketable (at least to the company i'm shooting for -
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
so 28 Days Later is getting an alternate ending, which is supposed to be much darker and scarier....i want to see it so bad!! apparently if you go see it in the theater and wait till after the credits you see "but what if" on the screen and then there's an alternate ending that about 4 minutes long, which i believe is set in a hospital or if you haven't seen it, i really urge you to, not only is it an amazing horror film (the best i've ever seen) but its also just a brilliant film, and for fucks sake do NOT compare it to Resident Evil!! the only thing they have in common is that they're both about zombies. thats IT. so go check it out or i eat your brains.
i'm getting my car on Wednesday it seems. the check came in the mail today. there is a check for $10,000 attached to my fridge with a magnet. i will likely never see that much money at once again. even so, i'd rather it be a car, in the driveway, preferably with plates and all registered and ready for me to drive. soon....
the night cook i work with, resigned, and will be leaving a week from Friday i think. my boss offered me her job, its 32 hours a week and whatnot, but i really don't want it. i'd have to come in late morning and stay till 6:30, which is most of the day, so i'd never get a chance to really go anywhere else. so i guess i'll call her tomorrow and tell her no thanks....might offer to cover some shifts till they find a new cook but i don't know if she wants to go thru the trouble of training me if i'm not gonna be doing the job most of the time. i'd really rather find a new job, and plan to go to Portland sometime in the next week to go into every place i can find and ask for applications and shit. maybe i'll print off a million copies of my resume and just hand them a copy, that might help. i have to find the disk with my resume on it first tho, but i know where it is so its cool. it needs a little editing, and i'll do 2 versions, a food service and a retail, even tho i have no retail experience i can probly make myself sound pretty qualified....i really hope Newbury's needs someone but i doubt it.
this computer crashed about 6 times earlier. in like rapid succession. so i think i'll be taking up Zack's offer on his old hard drive and whatnot....i'd like a computer that works. plus i'd be getting a cd burner. and i'd probly have to spend less than $100 i believe, which i can certainly afford. come to think of it, i wonder whats gonna happen to the extra $850 of that check. probly go towards insurance, which is cool with me. damnit, thats extra motivation to get a new job. well, thats good. i wish money wasn't such a necessity. >:
Monday, July 28, 2003
i shouldnt be posting this since i have to be at work in roughly 15 minutes and i still havent showered or dressed, tho i guess the former will have to wait till i get home tonight. i didn't work yesterday, the schedule said i was supposed to work 7-2, but i got there and Mary was on duty as aide, so i went to check the schedule with Sondra, the kickass morning cook, and since my name is right above Mary's, our boss must've accidentally put Mary's hours in my slot for the day, and Mary had come in like she was actually supposed to but i hadn't caught the mistake. so i was really supposed to work 3:30-6:30 but since i had plans with Zack i said i couldn't work and Sondra took care of it for me so i went home, almost hit a deer on Woodside Rd (was speeding along and saw it, was tired and thought "looky a deer lawn ornament on the side....of the the woods" and slammed on the brakes, then sat there till she ran off into the woods), and got home to sleep for a couple more hours. then today i was supposed to work in the evening again but while i was sleeping my boss called and asked if i could come in at 12:30 to help her clean out the walk-in fridge, which apparently broke (EVERYTHING breaks in there, its getting old, man) and i'll have Wednesday off, since thats the day i normally come in to do a cleaning shift. so i guess i better get my ass in gear but i'm still not fully awake and i really just wanted to chill for a while but i'd prefer to get a full night's sleep most nights this week than force myself out of bed for whatever disgusting tasks they find for me on Wednesday.
also, if anyone wants to go to Portland this week, i gotta go find a new job down there, so let me know, hopefully i'll have my car really soon and we can take that, or if you were planning on going down there yourself and don't mind if i tag along thats cool too.... :D