birthdays rule. :) even if everyone outside your immediate family doesn't acknowledge them anymore for some reason (seriously! my parents got more birthday cards than i did, which is easy to do since i didn't get ANY). but cuz my mom rocks she made me a peach pie with gigantic fresh peaches and bought some black raspberry choco chip frozen yogurt (i prefer it sans choco chips but its still vastly superior to every other non-Ben&Jerry's flavor). so, despite my concern that the two would taste terrible together, i just finished consuming a piece of birthday pie and some fro yo, and surprisingly it was still delicious. i guess cuz nothing can ruin the taste of my mom's baking, or the taste of the awesomest ice cream flavor ever.
last night my family had me open my presents since my mom is at work tonight and tomorrow, which is my actual birthday, i plan to spend the day at Zack's. they brought me two small packages, inside of which were a discman belt holder thingy and a small box of the top 10 Jelly Belly flavors...i opened them and then just sat there waiting for the rest, so my dad and brother went upstairs and brought down 2 more packages, which were a Sony discman with a special mp3 disc (which of course i can't use on the mac, and Zack's cd writer is broken, but oh well, at least i have it) and radio tuner with weather band and TV signal picky uppy thingy. which is way awesome since i let Matt borrow my old discman over a year and a half ago and he never gave it back (and when he brought it to school he'd be like "hey anna, look!" but never make any attempt to actually give it back....asshole). then my brother gave me a big ol' Jelly Belly machine full of the current mix (i'm very disappointed by the blackberry flavor, but i guess i should give it another chance since when i popped one into my mouth i was expecting licorice), its coin operated, you can make it so you don't have to use coins but you'd have to empty it out and take the entire thing apart so, hey, it'll be a good place to keep all those pennies i have lying around in a box somewhere. i seriously have way too much fun with that machine, its so exciting to wonder what flavors you'll get this time. plus it only gives you 3 or 4 at a time (usually, i got 7 out of it last night) so it curbs my consumption....when i have a bag of em i tend to eat till i get sick. so anyway that rocked.
my brother bought a ps2 today when he and my mom were in Portland, he also got a 2nd controller and remote, however he didn't buy any games, just borrowed a couple from his friend, so all we have at the moment is LOTR (or, as i called it, Fruity Elf Guy and His Midget Lover) and some Japanesey RPG about this dude who fights demons in samurai suits, it begins with a U but its too Japanese for me to remember. so i guess i best rent some games since my brother is too cheap to buy his own games (he got that from my dad....ick) and he has horrendous taste in games anyway.
ye olde annablog
the ooey gooey insides of me brains!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
someting else that's been bugging my mind....WHATS UP WITH ALL THE FAT PEOPLE?? seriously. not that i'm fat-phobic or anything, but come on, are people so stupid that they can't fucking take care of themselves?? they know what they're eating is crap, that's why its called JUNK FOOD, yet they still shovel it in. the amount of fat people i've met at work recently (residents AND employees) who have diabetes is astounding, and the disregard they have for their health is sickening. so i guess technically they deserve their diabetes. it gets me to thinking that we should tell more fat jokes, because, sure, we could be hurting someone's feelings, but you know what, tough, because they obviously don't even care about themselves enough to put down the sack of Twinkies. you all know i'm not prejudiced or anything, but my god, i'm just tired of seeing people who constantly bitch about being made fun of and having horrendous health problems because of something they did to themselves. hoorj for Americana. well done, y'all.
so i still don't have any volunteers to do my hair, wonderful people. my mom keeps telling me she'll pay to have it done at a salon but they'd do a shitty job, it wouldn't last, and they'd probly use disgusting chemicals that i don't want anywhere near my hair.
so i'm thinking of getting a tattoo, probly on my back, of a pair of scissorhands crossing. i was originally thinking just the lone hand, but then i thought back to a picture i have of Johnny Depp holding up the hands in front of his face and i tohught they'd look sweet crossed. so maybe after this weekend i'll have nifty scissory inkingness. i guess i gotta keep it small tho cuz otherwise it'll cost money i don't have, so maybe i'll get it kinda tiny in the small of my back. if you're nice to me and actually make an effort to see me (yeah right), maybe i'll let you see it.
Sunday, June 15, 2003
hahahaha Blogger Gear...funny. till they make a Blogger thong i'm not interested. :P
k, if you're religious this'll offend you, but don't blame me i'm just a little heathen child....this is something that's been on my mind a lot lately for some reason....HOW can people be religious?? i mean, Greek mythology is taught in schools as MYTHS and cute little stories....but that was the RELIGION of the ancient Greeks, and guess what guys, most of the same stories are in the Bible (a huge ass flood, gods creating woman - Eve/Pandora - to tempt and bring suffering to men, etc). i don't know about the holy texts of religions beside Christianity and Judaism, but i bet they've got similar stories in em. and what i wonder is...if we accept that the Greek religion is not fact, why don't we accept that every other religion is false as well? because you don't know what's real. i hope this is coming out clear. basically what i'm trying to say is, i don't understand how anyone can believe any religion when the religions of ancient civilizations are considered false. will people a few thousand years from now study the Bible or the Koran in school and go, "haha, what a bunch of cute little silly stories! and they actually believed THAT!!" (which, btw, is what's gone through my head ever since i was little when it comes to religion.)
let me regale you with the story of my first memorable introduction to religion. my parents bought me a big illustrated book of Greek myths for Easter when i was in the third grade. i thought, "hey, this sounds like a sweet religion, i think i'll become a Greek!" then i learned that this was the religion of an ancient civilization and no one believed in it anymore. i just wondered....why?? how does that even make sense?? since then i've never been able to wrap my brai around the concept of someone believing a storybook. its like ancient Egyptians worshipping cats and imaginary jackal-headed dieties, its like floating and then burning a young woman as a witch in the 1500's, its like believing in a pantheon of gods who are descended from a union of earth and sky, its like standing out in the middle of the Mojave with a tinfoil hat and a sign that says "BEAM ME UP." its all the same and it frustrates me that others can't see that. the truth is no one knows what the truth IS, and religions come and go like fads. no one is right because no one knows.
so, there you go, HeathenGirl has made her case.
i don't really have anything else to say, i've just been working a lot lately and am still pissed that i have no time or energy for my art.