Saturday, March 08, 2003

i started reading 1984 the other night. its horribly written. i don't like it. but i'm gonna keep reading it, even though i know how it ends, because there is nothing else to read in this house unless i want to read shit like The Art of Dying, which i do not. and going to the library would be futile because the few specific books i want to read they don't have, or once did but they were stolen and the library never bothered to replace them because they were too busy spending all their money on fucking computers. its barely even a library anymore, its more like Email for the Homeless Central. not somewhere i want to spend a lot of time at.
i finished the Day Spaghetti Walked last night, its ok. just one page. the spaghetti falls in love with the jar of marinara sauce, then the door opens, someone takes out the sketti and the sauce and throws em both in a big pot, and the sketti is happy cuz it gets to be with the sauce.
i don't feel like writing anymore and someone random has messaged me and i want to know who they are. if you're not busy tonight, see Lewis Black at the State Theater at 8 pm!!

Friday, March 07, 2003

i'm not sick anymore, i was fine yesterday, so, yay!!!
check out the new Salvation Army thrift shop on Pleasant Street, its in the same building as Northern Chi and its pretty damn big. i applied for a job there and also bought a couple of nice warm fuzzy clothing items, like a huge black velvety shirt and a long gray fuzzy warm skirt. both of which i cannot wait to wear.
i finished with Frankenwich yesterday, i'm very happy with it. today i started The Day Spaghetti Walked, its really cute, the leftover spaghetti crawls out of its container in the fridge and finds and falls in love with a jar of marinara. its gonna have a happy ending, of course. Penguins in Hats is shaping up nicely too, i've drawn all the characters, theres Sombrero Penguin, Party Penguin, Earflap Penguin, Dapper Penguin (he wears a bowler hat and has a fake mustache tied to his face) and another one i can't remember right now because my drawings are downstairs and i just drew these this morning. Carmen Miranda Penguin would be amusing.
ok, i was gonna post a picture of Carmen Miranda and her fruity headgear, but i found this picture in the search and its a million times better:

Wednesday, March 05, 2003, i tihnk i AM sick, but hopefully it'll be out of my system soon. its definitely intestinal. it sucks. i'm afraid to eat and my mom knew that and went and bought me a peach turnover.....oh yummy peaches how i do wish i could consume you!!! not fair.
i had an interview at Dionne Commons, apparently you have to have prior mass cooking experience to get the job they were advertising but they also happen to need people for dishwashing and prep work, and a dietary aide too, all of which i could do. (i really don't want to wash dishes tho....i always managed to get out of it at Friendly's. yuck.) so when my resume is done i'll bring it over there and then hopefully they will give me a job.
Subway called this morning too, they're gonna know by April 1st if they need anyone, but hopefully i'll have a job before then. i have no idea what's up with Goodwill, since i only dropped off the application. i'd prefer Goodwill or Dionne Commons, since the latter is right down the street and Goodwill just kicks ass and i'd get sweet discounts and first picks.
well, anyway, i guess i'll just wait and see. i'm off to probly cook stuff or something.

yuck, i feel icky. i won't go into details but i feel like i do when i've had like ice cream or something (for those of you that don't know, i'm über lactose intolerant). however, the whole day i only had an apple, some carrot sticks, a bowl of cereal (Kix with soy milk), and some nuts and raisins. nothing that should be making me sick. the only thing i can think is that it could be the Kix, which would fucking blow cuz its my favorite cereal in the entire history of the world. it might have whey powder or something in it, which has been known to make me sick. or i actually AM allergic to wheat. but i think its just got most likely casein in it and i just had a bigger bowl than i normally do so that could be it....but i didn't start feeling sick until a couple of hours ago. maybe its partly because i'm tired now too....i don't know, but it sucks and i swear my digestive system wants to kill me.

seriously, for those of you not familiar with my eating habits....its nuts. i can only be rivaled (well, all right, beaten...but i might be gaining) by Katey in my diet restrictions. for starters, i'm strict vegetarian, so no meats in any form, nothing made with lard, no gelatin (this has been pissing me the fuck off lately, because there are like 2 types of candy not containing gelatin, i can't even eat altoids), i try to stay away from white sugar because of its being filtered thru bone charcoal, no parmesan cheese or any other food made with rennet, etc., you get the picture. if i didn't believe in it so strongly i would never do it. then comes my lactose intolerance. if i take a handful of enzyme pills, i might be abe to deal with, like, quesadillas. but lately they've stopped selling the brand i used to take and the only ones i can find taste like ass, so i've been avoiding dairy as much as i can. which is tougher than you'd think for someone as sensitive as me. like i mentioned before, there's tricky ingredients like casein in almost everything so its hard to avoid. when my mom and i go grocery shopping, we spend a LOT of time straining our eyes reading the ingredients labels.

anyway, i'm sure no one wanted to read a description of things i can't eat and why. but this is why you should not mock me when you see me eating a lunch of carrot sticks and grapes - its probly all we had in the house that i could eat. and oh my god...about a quarter of our freezer is just fake meat products (and theres a lot of shit crammed into our freezer). you name it, i've probly tried it or at least can tell you about it. (note: Smart Dogs are very good. Boca Spicy Chicken Patties are alarmingly spicy, eat with caution. Quorn and Morningstar rock my world.)

i'm tired and rambling, can you tell? time for sleep.

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

today i went and got a couple applications....Dionne Commons wants a per diem chef so that looked good, and Goodwill in Bath needs a couple sales associates, so yay. i best be gettin hired somewhere soon.
also i went and picked up tickets at Bullmoose for Lewis Black (3/8) and Henry Rollins (3/20) for me and Zack, they're both performing at the State Theater and they should be awesome.
i have to write a scene of my story about Waddlesworth, the penguin that leaves Antarctica to see the world, but i don't really feel like it...but i have to. sucky. i'd rather work on my comics....speaking of which, i went to Slave Labor's site and copied their submission guidelines, and once i have more material and a good idea i'm going to go for it....Slave Labor Graphics, btw, is the company that publishes Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Lenore and Gloom Cookie. i'm not really into creating an epic tale of mental anguish and gory death (JTHM) or anything as soap opera-y as Gloom Cookie, but i guess Lenore is kinda close....just a bunch of really cute, odd, sometimes morbid stories, not necessarily centering around a cute little dead girl, maybe alternating main stories, like Penguins in Hats and The Fridge Presents, with cute little fillers like The Easily Offended Angry Killer Bees. i wish i got a chance to work on the comics more, but my house is definitely NOT conducive to working on anything, because, well, its just not. the atmosphere is sucky and people are always being loud and retarded and bothering me, plus the dogs aren't very helpful either. i can't wait till i move out....this endeavor will probly have to wait till after i do. i guess i'll try for submitting my work to SLG by this fall, that will give me all spring to develop my themes and style and all summer to my motivation is, if i keep working whenever i can this winter and spring, in the summer i'll be able to spend nice long days outside drawing, and that sounds awesome. so, if i ever complain to anyone that i'm bored, remind me of the summer to come, ok?

Monday, March 03, 2003

ok, so, here's some ideas i have for comics, i want to know what people think since i'm gonna try to maybe do something with this stuff. ok, i'm sticking with the fridge theme for the most part right now, but i'm planning to maybe move onto other points of focus, like a garden or inside a closet maybe.

my latest ideas are as follows:
- The Day Spaghetti Walked: some leftover sketti comes to life and starts skittering about the fridge, very Malachai-esque (Lenore reference). i want it to fall in love with either some leftover sauce (for a more predetermined fate-inspired strip i guess) or an ingredient that could be made to use the sauce (for a happy surprise twist). which would make a better strip??
- i don't have a title for this yet, but so far the idea is, up in the freezer, there's a wrestling match going on between a veggie burger and a hamburger/box of veggie burgers and package of hamburger. i might make it a tag team match, probly based on how well i can draw it (= how long i want to make it), with like chicken legs and maybe Quorn (that might be too obscure) or TVP (see Quorn). input???
- not related to the fridge but an idea for a series of strips, or a big long adventure-esque strip...Penguins in Hats...about a bunch of penguins that do cool stuff and have adventures. they wear hats (i.e. sombrero, party hat, winter hat w/earflaps, beanie [propellor beanie penguin could be the special FLYING penguin])...omg maybe i'll make them a little penguin spy organization!!