you know what, this presidential election is just plain embarrassing. i was listening to some moron's radio show this morning and he was talking about something they're building called the "wafflehead," which is a big statue of Kerry's head thats going to say "vote for me on wednesday!" (as in the 3rd); its an obvious ripoff of the Bush pants on fire thingy. Also all the nashing between parties is driving me insane. It's justified for the Democrats to pick on Bush's performance, since he's already IN office; they have to point out why he's not fit to serve another term. But one would think it was the job of the Republicans to defend their candidate instead of constantly spearing the reputation of the opposition. Are there not enough good things to say about Mr. Bush that you have to go digging up and making up bad things about the other guy? It's really pissing me off, it's my first year voting in a presidential election and it's virtually impossible to become in any way informed about the actual policies of the candidates beyond the standard party values.
Ugh. :P
ye olde annablog
the ooey gooey insides of me brains!!