Saturday, May 17, 2003

i wish i knew what was up with this cough. not even codeine is helping it. i took some Delsym a couple hours ago and its supposed to last for 12 hours, i'm definitely not cough-free but i guess i'm a little better. i feel fine for the most part, i don't have much appetite but that happens whenever i have any symptoms of anything for some reason. lately i've been kinda stuffed up but thats mostly cuz of my allergies. but i've had this cough for over a week now, and sometimes it's really bad. i'm coughing stuff up like after a bad cold or the flu, but i didn't HAVE either of those. i guess its just my version of the flu that's going around. hurrah for the immune system of a vegetarian!!

work sucked, i really don't want to do the same thing for 2 more days, but at least the aide/cook i'm working with is entertaining, she reminds me of a cross between me and my mom in the kitchen - talking to herself (mom) and to inanimate objects (me). she's gotta be in her 40's but she's got the energy and attitude of someone under 25, so its pretty cool to work with her. i kinda miss the old night cook tho, apparently the other aides think of her as "the German sergeant" but i think she's really easy to work with, we get along great since neither of us are terribly talkative, tho we communicate well and will chat while we're wheeling out the dinner cart or washing dishes or whatever. i got out a half hour late tonight, but it took us a long time to serve dinner because the aide's never done the cook's job before (yeah, i can't remember her might be Debbie).
and at one point tonight i thought i was going to go insane. we were serving dinner, it smelled really gross (greasy veal patties, nasty chipped roast beef swimming in thick gravy, brussels sprouts and mixed veggies in bluish water), the old people were particularly weirding me out (sometimes they do that, just looking at them and seeing all the different ways their bodies have gone to hell gets to me), Lawrence Welk was on (yes, old people actually do LOVE Lawrence Welk, they get frighteningly excited whenever someone mentions its on) and it was some insipid song about a parrot or something and there's this guy in a parrot costume and when the song ended all the singers burst into laughter and it was disturbing, and i was dizzy from coughing so bad. it was like my own personal hell. yup, Anna's Hell, a room full of smelly old people eating greasy food with nothing but Lawrence Welk blaring from the tv allllll the time. yikes.

well, i'm off to check on my bread, hope you all had a good sloppy drunken time at the prom (incidentally, on the way home from work i passed Claire's house and saw her and Doug and Stacy and a couple other people....that was a Santa suit Doug was wearing, correct? if so, fucking kickass, Doug is the man).

Friday, May 16, 2003

ok, so, the food problem for my comic has been solved....its been determined that the mutant inhabitants of the underground commune will survive on various fungi (which probly won't be mutated and if they are, they'll just be glowy), giant mutant worm meat (i guess it'll taste like chicken), mutant carnivorous potatoes (with one large eye and sharp tooth-filled mouth each), and mutant helicoptor carrots (their tops spin around so they fly when you pull em out of the ground). all i need now is a couple hours to get this i'll find THAT this weekend. i'm working every day 3:30-6:30 thru monday, and then tuesday morning, like from 7-10 or something. also, the evening cook, Margaret, is going away for four days and so starting tomorrow i'll be working with another aide who had only had a crash course in cooking, taught by Margaret. yeah, it'll suck, and i'll have like zero energy. why oh why didn't i just take that interview at the Salvation Army??!!

Zack and i saw the Matrix Reloaded on Wednesday, at the first sneak preview showing. the first movie is better, but Reloaded is definitely worth seeing in the theater. me and Zack might see it again this weekend. the only problem i had with Reloaded that made it not as good as the first was the beginning, they go to Zion and the whole time they're there its tedious scene after tedious scene, with some completely unnecessary shit thrown in there to boot. but the Neo vs. 100 Agent Smiths scene and the freeway chase scene totally made up for it, and all is forgiven.

forget the sn thing, i don't feel like telling everyone my new sn. i DO have one, but its only for talking to a couple people at the moment, since i got sick of people who contact me every 30 seconds to complain about things i really can't do anything about (i'm not naming names but i don't think anyone that refers to reads this anyway). so if you want to know the new one, let me know and if you promise to not IM me incessantly then you shall have it. i'm still using the old one for the most part tho.

my mom's at the Relay for Life right now....i told her i might stop by but as its a quarter to nine and not exactly toasty out i'll be staying right here. actually, she brought a bunch of thermacare patches with her (you know, those heated sticky patches for cramps and aches?) to keep herself warm. thats the kind of thing i'd come up you know where i got my tendency towards odd ideas.

Sunday, May 11, 2003

as you may have noticed in the sidebar info thingy (or in my AIM info), i'm sick of my AIM sn. if you have any ideas for a new, fitting sn, please leave your suggestions in the comments. if i get a few good ones, i'll set up a poll and y'all can vote.

in other news, my life has been invaded by itchies. i'm not itchy myself, but Zack's got poison ivy or something like it, and Mudge got bit by something and came down with a bad case of hives. they're both doing better now, but itchies suck. poor Mudge was up all night the other night, rolling around on the carpet and pacing around cuz he was so itchy. he looked lumpy. we've been giving him Benadryl, which he doesn't seem to enjoy; he runs and hides whenever mom tries to give him some (he won't even take it in peanut butter anymore). Zack's still pretty itchy tho and that makes me sad. :*(

i made dinner tonight since its mothers day and all, i made veggie stir fry and brown rice and blueberry crisp, it was very very yum.

my dad is leaving for Maryland i think a week from Monday to help his mom move to some rich old people's apartment complex or something and to get the stuff we decide we want (she lives in a huuuuuuge house with all kinds of old shit in it and she's letting family members take their pick of everything she's not taking with her). i have no idea what i might want, other than dishes. actually, i'd love to have the table in her den, its kinda big, round and short with a gorgeous carved top, but she's probly taking it or it could already be claimed by my uncle, so who knows. my dad is supposed to call when he's there to let us know what's available so we can decide. i guess i'll find out what me and Zack might need for our future apartment, other than dishes and stuff....honestly i'd be happy sitting on milk crates, and most of my grandmother's furniture is fancy antique-y stuff, way too fancy for me (tho i bet i could make some money off it that an evil thought??) i could ask for the creepy mountain lion rug in her basement, its a skin complete with claws, tail, and snarling head. creeped me the fuck out when i was little. would be fun to have for the sole purpose of freaking others out, especially others who are under the influence of drugses, but i don't think i should ask for it would kinda clash with my whole vegetarian animal rights image. oh well.