i wish i knew what was up with this cough. not even codeine is helping it. i took some Delsym a couple hours ago and its supposed to last for 12 hours, i'm definitely not cough-free but i guess i'm a little better. i feel fine for the most part, i don't have much appetite but that happens whenever i have any symptoms of anything for some reason. lately i've been kinda stuffed up but thats mostly cuz of my allergies. but i've had this cough for over a week now, and sometimes it's really bad. i'm coughing stuff up like after a bad cold or the flu, but i didn't HAVE either of those. i guess its just my version of the flu that's going around. hurrah for the immune system of a vegetarian!!
work sucked, i really don't want to do the same thing for 2 more days, but at least the aide/cook i'm working with is entertaining, she reminds me of a cross between me and my mom in the kitchen - talking to herself (mom) and to inanimate objects (me). she's gotta be in her 40's but she's got the energy and attitude of someone under 25, so its pretty cool to work with her. i kinda miss the old night cook tho, apparently the other aides think of her as "the German sergeant" but i think she's really easy to work with, we get along great since neither of us are terribly talkative, tho we communicate well and will chat while we're wheeling out the dinner cart or washing dishes or whatever. i got out a half hour late tonight, but it took us a long time to serve dinner because the aide's never done the cook's job before (yeah, i can't remember her name...it might be Debbie).
and at one point tonight i thought i was going to go insane. we were serving dinner, it smelled really gross (greasy veal patties, nasty chipped roast beef swimming in thick gravy, brussels sprouts and mixed veggies in bluish water), the old people were particularly weirding me out (sometimes they do that, just looking at them and seeing all the different ways their bodies have gone to hell gets to me), Lawrence Welk was on (yes, old people actually do LOVE Lawrence Welk, they get frighteningly excited whenever someone mentions its on) and it was some insipid song about a parrot or something and there's this guy in a parrot costume and when the song ended all the singers burst into laughter and it was disturbing, and i was dizzy from coughing so bad. it was like my own personal hell. yup, Anna's Hell, a room full of smelly old people eating greasy food with nothing but Lawrence Welk blaring from the tv allllll the time. yikes.
well, i'm off to check on my bread, hope you all had a good sloppy drunken time at the prom (incidentally, on the way home from work i passed Claire's house and saw her and Doug and Stacy and a couple other people....that was a Santa suit Doug was wearing, correct? if so, fucking kickass, Doug is the man).
ye olde annablog
the ooey gooey insides of me brains!!
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