Saturday, April 26, 2003

things look shitty outside. i thought this was spring....its almost May and i don't see no fuckin leaves, trees. in other news, House of 1000 Corpses is a kickass movie, go see it. seriously, the only horror movie i've ever seen that i actually liked. if i had the capacity to be scared by a mere movie, i would've been, cuz Rob Zombie is very very very good at what he does. i can't wait till the DVD comes out so i can see what he had to cut out, it must've been pretty sick, mostly necrophilia and cannibalism from what i hear....wait, that sounds bad, ok, i don't want to see it because i'm a necro or want to eat people (the latter was a stupid fucking rumor started in my gym class sophomore year), but the gorey scenes were so well done that i want to see what else there is.
i guess i'm off to take a shower, hope everyone's vacation has been kickass.