Saturday, April 19, 2003

yesterday i had work, which sucked, and then after i went to that side door poetry thing at the U U church with Emily, who is back from college for the weekend, and that was ok, but i was really really tired by the time it was over. so i came home and then the internet broke (but my brother fixed it this morning) and then the stupid computer kept freezing. then when i finally decided to go to bed i went to take off my boots (the knee high lace up ones) and the zipper was stuck on the right one, like usual, and then IT BROKE. so i started yelling obscenities and throwing the boot around because it really pissed me off and i was tired. then i went to sleep, but around 8:30 some jackass across the street started using some thingy on his lawn to clean the dead leaves and dirt and crap out of it. HIS WHOLE DAMN LAWN. so i started screaming about it using the foulest words in my vocabulary, and finally an hour and a half later (after i had begun to emit ear piercing shrieks up in my room) my dad went over and asked him to stop for a while. so don't forget kids, screaming nasty words will get you a couple extra hours of sleep!