so, i've decided that going into the cooking industry would be the most efficient and easiest way for me to make money and be able to afford the hideously expensive cost of living in a Portland apartment (seriously, if ANYONE knows of any cheap places or of anyone who might know somewhere, PLEASE let me know). my boss, June, told me that USM has a course you can take thru the mail that certifies you for supervising positions where you make more than the cook and you do easy crap like designing menus and scheduling. plus my mom said she'd be willing to pay for me to attend that vegetarian cooking retreat in Canada, thats in September i think, that would look great on a resume. plus theres lots of neato restaurants in Portland so it wouldn't be too hard to find work. i guess that means i should get my ass in gear on that cooking school stuff....i decided to make the dogs carrot spice muffins in case anyone cares, also tomorrow i think i'll be making super deadly choco cookies (the recipe you gave me, Katey) with dried cherries in em....then i guess i'll add that to my official files, that'll be an illustrated la la i'm babbling, i'm floaty. ;) anywho back to stuff.
ye olde annablog
the ooey gooey insides of me brains!!
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