some not-very-interesting random thoughts since its after 1 a.m. and i should go to bed.....
why do people still get bowl cuts? seriously, there is nothing that makes me want to smack a kid more than if he's got a bowl cut, cuz you KNOW he's some annoying little soccer playing brat. plus, they're hideous hairstyles, i hated them even when i was little, which sucked cuz, like, ALL the boys (cept for the ones i played with...those guys kicked ass) had em in elementary school. honestly, there is nothing attractive about that haircut. same for mullets, tho that's more widely acknowledged.
why do people talk about Kurt Cobain like he actually did something good for the world before blowing his brains out? i mean, come on, sure he wrote some great music, but that's all he did. stop whining about it, if he hadn't killed himself then he would've done it some other time. also, Courtney Love is an annoying greedy bitch. i feel sorry for their kid. does child protective services keep an eye on Courtney and Frances? i wouldn't trust that crackhead with a kid.
whats up with The Crow? why all the worship? i watched it. i hated it. it was the epitome of cheesy and pretentious - which explains why so many goths love it i guess. well, i suppose it caters to goths anyway, what with the ridiculous makeup and black birdie and dead guy stuff.
why do people get tattoos of their kids' faces? honestly, they never turn out looking like the kid, are usually ugly as sin, and i bet they embarrass far too many children. yeesh, just get their name or something, its a little disturbing when someone offers to show you baby pictures and proceeds to remove their shirt (thats never actually happened to me but boy, would it be awkward).
thats all i can think of, i know its lame but i'm tired. if you have any opinions on the aforementioned topics, or are wondering things yourself, feel free to discuss in the comments.
i wish i had time to bake some bread tomorrow but i don' mom tried out my breadmaker tonight, she made focaccia, it was plain but it was goooooood. so far i've found recipes for donut bread, brownie bread, maple hazelnut bread, carrot spice bread, banana split bread....i guess i'm making brownie bread first tho.
tomorrow i'm heading over to Zack's and later we're going to Portland to the mall and to a comedy show at the Asylum, every Wednesdays they're apparently showcasing BET comics so hopefully it will be decent.
k, bedtime.
ye olde annablog
the ooey gooey insides of me brains!!
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