i dont really have anything to say, i just don't have anything else to do right now. i ought to be in bed but i don't want to sleep yet....maybe its subconscious because my dreams have been getting shitty lately. the kind i hate where i go back into it whenever i go back to sleep, but its not a good place to go back to, its just the general feeling of the dream, or in the case of the dreams i had night before last, taking place in a combination of my house and an evil haunted version of the White House with all my extended family members threatening to set rapists and murderers on me, with every horror i can think of actually lurking where i think i'll find them....i hate that shit. give me something fun or don't let me dream at all.
i actually was able to reach my boss at Spencer's, that crackhead, so i have work from 5-10 on Friday night and we're supposed to schedule the rest of my hours then.
there is NOTHING good to drink in this house....by that i mean nothing caffeinated, besides coffee (ew) and tea (barely counts). i know i try to stay away from caffeine but i don't want to sleeeeeeep....i don't know why i feel like sleeping. its not so bad right now cuz i chugged some grapefruit juice and ate my second pack of Spiderman fruit snacks of the day so i'm cruising on the sugar at the moment. but damn did my brain feel fuzzy. i ate relatively ok today too - the fruit snacks, a waffle, a big bowl of steamed carrots, and some lasagna. thats not terribly unhealthy, tho i guess theres not much in the way of protein, which might certainly explain how i feel. i'm just sick of sunflower seeds and mixed nuts and the like, and we dont have any good veggie burgers....we have 2 different kinds but they're not even close to the best, i wish we had the kind with veggie chunks in em, those i would happily eat all day, yumyum.
ummmmmm nothing much else right now, listening to Loveline, Andy Dick is on, good times....
ye olde annablog
the ooey gooey insides of me brains!!
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