so today i took my road test....and failed. i guess i did everything perfectly except i cut my left turns (a problem i've had since i learned how to drive) and i rely on my mirrors too much (thus risking blind spottedness). i didn't really mind failing, i wasn't expecting to pass because i know lots of people don't. and now i know exactly what i need to be careful of next time (on the 12th). hopefully i get the same guy, he was really awesome. he said he hoped he got to ride with me too, cuz we found out we had a lot in common. he was an older guy and i think he was wearing a military outfit or something, BUT he hates Republicans!! plus i found out his brother works for Marvel so we talked about comics a lot, we agreed that Ben Affleck sucks but Daredevil was lame to begin with anyway. and his childhood best friend is the brother of a guy i've met before (who's a total nutcase). he also told me he almost cried when George Harrison died (after finding my mom's Harrison cd in the pocket of the passenger side door), which i definitely empathized with. i was generally told that when you take your test the people are really mean and won't talk to you, but i guess that's not always the case. plus when he gave me my eye test he didn't restrict me to my glasses, which Mike, my driver's ed driving instructor guy, told me they would the moment they found out i had glasses.
not much else is up in my little corner of the world. still working on my comics, i wish i did have more time but this summer will definitely be a good time to get some hardcore cartooning done (i hope). i'm thinking of putting Commando Rats into the epic comic, since i drew one in class one day and i really like the little bugger. hey, its MY radioactive mutated world, i'll mutate things how i want!!
work is still lame and the government is still stealing my money. bastards. i don't want to pay for thier fucked up little delusional wars but unless i want to be jobless again i guess i don't have a choice. i'd rather pay to feed starving orphans or something, but Republicans hate the starving.
so...when are finals for seniors? cuz....i don't know if creative writing has one, and i don't know if i should just stop going to class when all the seniors do or hang around till the end of the year. i guess i technically can leave when everyone else does since i'm a senior. but i don't mind going to the one class. plus if i went i could stay late and have Sean work on my hair, which he still hasn't done but i just haven't been able to stay. well, whatever.
nothing else to say, plus i'm getting sleepy. lata.
ye olde annablog
the ooey gooey insides of me brains!!
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