so, Calvin's dead, what a trip, huh? Maine Street will never be the same. *pours a bottle of airplane glue on the curb.* this one's for you, brutha.
we need another infamous bum. any volunteers? you don't have to sniff glue, you can be addicted to any weird little thing you want. maybe one of the other local bums will step in to take his place, but i doubt they have the potential for notoriety. ah well. Brunswick's not the same but its time to get out anyway.
there is nothing else i can think of to say that doesn't fall under the category of more bitching about my parents becoming increasingly difficult to live with, and i already ranted about my feelings on the latest bullshit defense from Olland Reese to Ben (not Katey's, different Ben). good long talks about death are always good (really).
ye olde annablog
the ooey gooey insides of me brains!!
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