sooooo my parents are watching some retarded politicky movie and the msuic is some of the worst shit i have ever heard, chicks whining about war and the government and shit, i mean, in the worst way. i have no idea what the movie is but it sounds painfully cliched from in here, perfect for my totally unimaginative unmotivated parents. they try to not get lumped in with the majority, but they don't try very hard. i've been blocking out the shitty soundtrack with my mp3s but i don't feel like listening to any music at the moment cuz i'm kinda tired so it really really sucks. i want to go to bed but i want to talk to Zack and i should probly work out before bed or something, so yeah, i'm still here.
today i went down to Portland with Billy, got myself 4 sweet new pins at Newbury's (and wonder why i didn't go there sooner for pins). i got a Lenore pin, a Hamtaro pin, one that says "cut your jibba jabba" (i could've gone for "you ain't gettin me on no damn plane" but....come on, jibba jabba), and one that says "never apologize for your art." they rule. i also got my left lobe repierced (finally) and i have a nifty itty bitty barbell in it. its really not sore at all but there was still like half a hole i don't remember if i'm supposed to turn it right away but turning it is the only thing that makes it hurt, so unless it gets crusty or something i probly won't turn it much. i just gotta remember to keep it clean, they threw 2 big bottles of antiseptic into the bag gots antiseptic. i also bought a pretty nifty headband with little studs and rhinestones on it, i don't really mind the whole alternative mainstream thing at times, i mean, when you can walk into fucking Claire's and get a spiked collar, it just makes life seem a little easier. i was thankful, their usual sea of bright pink hurts my eyeballs, camo, black and spikes are way easier on mine eyes. apparently they also have like this classic candies lip gloss line now, they had little peanut butter cup shaped Reeses lip gloss tubs, if i liked peanut butter i'd have bought it. out of a selection that included Twinkies, Pez, Jelly Belly (albeit fucking lame flavored Jelly Belly), Bubbleicious (or Bubble Yum, i always get the two confused), HoHos and gummi bears, i ended up getting a 2 pack of original and vanilla Tootsie roll flavor. omg they are yummy, unlike Lip Smackers they don't just smell like the candy, they really taste like lips are oh so chocolatey right now.
nothing else is really going on around here at the
ye olde annablog
the ooey gooey insides of me brains!!
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