so i had this really fucked up dream last night, i was at prom but it was being held in the Coffin Elementary gymnasium and there werent many people there. Katey and Ben were there, but they weren't terribly dressed up, Katey was wearing a little black dress tho since i knew she wore one to real prom. i was wearing the clothes i've been wearing to work the last week (a white t shirt with really pale little flowers on the front and a pair of boyish khaki shorts that Emily lent me) and my date was Matt Bray, he was wearing blue jeans and a black t-shirt. please do not ask me to explain why my date was Matt Bray, i haven't spoken to him in years tho i did have a crush on him in the fourth grade. so anyway i'm watching the door and a small group of guys come in, maybe 3 or 4 guys, but i only recognized one, and it was Chris Reid, (if this next part sounds somehow insensitive its not, he was a cool dude and this is just how my dream happened) so i turned to Katey and said "um....didn't he die like 2 years ago?" and she's like "yeah....i never really liked him tho" and i said "oh, i thought he was really nice" so i went over to try and talk to him but he didn't notice and continued to walk around the edge of the gym to the opposite wall and go in the door to the left of the stage, i believe one or two other guys went with him. so i figure, hey, if one dead former classmate is here, why not another? so i start searching the crowd, lobby and peering through the windows to see if Cody Green is there, maybe she'll notice me and say hello. but i couldn't find her so i went back to the crowd. some kinda nondescript chick with long hair asked me to dance and i told her "no thanks, i'm here with a date" but she insisted and Matt said he didn't care, then she was putting the moves on me and trying to kiss me and i'm like " only do i have a date over there, i also have a boyfriend who is not here." so then i went to the bathroom and for some reason Miss Borowick was sitting there inside the door and since there weren't any stalls or anything she sat right there and talked about some poem while i peed. so after that the next thing i'm sure of is being with Zack in his car and we were driving past some houses i didn't recognize, trying to figure out somewhere to go.
so maybe thats symbolic or something, it was really vivid and i don't know where it came from. maybe all the cheese fries and mozzarella sticks i'd had at Denny's earlier were messing with me. tho i've never known lactose intolerance to give people weird dreams....
i bought the tatu cd today, i really like it, theres not a song on there i don't enjoy so even tho it was probly a waste of $15, i like it. i was also gonna buy the Sims for ps2 but they didn't have any more used copies at Game Box (they had several last time i was there) so i just rented it for a week, its annoying as fuck because they stick you in a house with mom, who is a nagging annoying bitch, and the Sim is always miserable because she makes him clean everything up and theres nothing fun in the house so he can't raise his happy meter enough to want to study anything. but i'm gonna try again in a little while, my brother played it for a few hours earlier and got out of the house so i'm sure if i try again i can get there too.
holy shit its almost midnight. hmm. oh well.
ye olde annablog
the ooey gooey insides of me brains!!
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