hiho...just got home from a lovely time at Denny's with Billy and Rick. i haven't seen Rick in over a year but he's living pretty nearby so i'll probly get to hang out with him more. yayness.
turns out i have to work Halloween night after all (and a big FUCK YOU goes out to Steve, the coworker that made it all possible by whining till our shifts got switched). so if you're gonna be around (meaning not at college elsewhere or going to Salem like everyone here) stop by Spencer's after 5 and stuff. bring me candy. preferably something fruity. :D
nothing else really going on at the moment. Wacom won't be here till Friday, which blows it. >: my mom bought me the Piglet movie DVD today, which is really nothing too special since i already saw it and its pretty bad, but its the thought that counts. plus she didn't totally strike out cuz she also bought the Nightmare Before Christmas DVD, complete with super special extras cuz its the anniversary edition. it had Tim Burton's first 2 films on it, Vincent and Frankenweenie, they're both great.
i have to go to the town hall tomorrow to vote, anti-casino of course. i don't even know if there's anything else on the ballot. maybe that thing about moving the firehouse, which i would also be voting against, cuz they'd be running Permanent Addictions out of their building and i really really like their work, and wouldn't be happy if they had to go out of business. a move i could handle but there's that risk and whatnot (there's probly maniacal laughter coming from the Piercing Experience). soooooooo whatever, i'll do that in the morning/early afternoon.
but now i must sleep as its nearing 3 in the morning and i need to rest for another several long shifts in a row.
ye olde annablog
the ooey gooey insides of me brains!!
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