Sunday, February 23, 2003

ummmmm sup...Sundays are so ick. the Tamagotchi died...a couple days ago...but it wouldn't turn into Conan so its ok, and now that its dead it doesn't have to be taken care of so its all good i guess. also i still don't have a job and Subway said they would call me whether or not i got the job but that was like over a week ago so i probly should call them, which i will do either today or tomorrow (tho i have been saying i'll do it for the past few days but whatever). anywho, yeah, so i'm still unemployed and if anyone can put in a good word for me anywhere or something, that would rock, i really really really need a job.
also, macs are shitty. i only missed the first minute maybe of the Continental last night, which was ok since i still got to see the rest of it. "The hand cream, it is the shiznit!"...the quote went something like that...whatever, it was funny. and then the sketch with the raft...that was great too. and i thought it was cool that Will Ferrell came and did a "lovers" sketch, those are funny. yeah....
i had a dream about Jelly Bellys last night, well, the dream wasn't just about them but they were there...seriously, proof that i dream at least partly in color = me correctly identifying flavors of Jelly Bellys by sight in a dream. there were a lot of grapefruit ones in that bag...lots of plum ones too. and my mind fabricated a cookies n cream kind that was pretty cool, maybe it was meant to be vanilla bean because thats white with black spots too, but the spots were bigger and it totally dream-tasted like cookies n cream. i ought to write to Jelly Belly and tell them to make a cookies n cream flavor, who's with me? i also think we need to see more blackberry ones. they exist, but you never actually see them anywhere. and pumpkin pie ones should be made year should all their holiday flavors tho. haha, i'm a Jelly Belly nut, they're definitely my favorite candy, just because theres so many damn flavors. i really really want one of those big Jelly Belly dispensers, you know, like the coin-operated candy dispensers and they sell them at like novelty shops and i would fill it with only yummy flavors, no peanut butter or cinnamon allowed. and it would always be full and it would rock. so, when i move out, if anyone wants to buy me a house-warming know what to buy. ok, i'm kidding...those things are probly expensive, so you can all chip in!!! ok, still kidding, i don't expect anyone to buy me things just for moving out, thats silly, probly i'll just buy it with my birthday money if i don't need it for other things (which i probly will). or i'll just ask my parents to get me one for my birthday. i just told my dad thats what i wanted for my birthday, actually, but since its February and my birthday isn't until June, he said he'd probly forget and to tell my mom...however she's asleep and also would probly forget. but i won't!
i'm weird, i'm sorry for ranting about Jelly Belly dispensers. was that a rant tho? i don't know, i'm bored so i'm just writing whatever i can think of to write pretty much.
today in the paper i saw this big article on the front page of the sports section about that kid from BHS. think someday he'll be an NBA player and we'll all be able to say "that kid went to my school!"? it looks likely. so, i would advise everyone to become bestest buddies with him, because you never know how generous he'll be with his money once he's, like, rolling in it. haha...i don't know him at all. of course i recognize him when i see him, but i've never spoken to him. oh well, hopefully someone i do know will make it big and i'll be able to mooch off of them. COULD IT BE YOU???